Gale_T09 (Gale )

Hello my name is Gale and I am a grandmother of 4 and mother of two.

I have created online graphics for over 13 years and currently digitial art wallpapers and Mozilla Firefox personas. You may find much of my art at Desktop Nexus under the handle of gsdesktops. My current graphics handle though is Creative Expressions. You can find over 300 Firefox personas of mine at Mozilla as well. I also have over 600 designs at Zazzle and am a pro seller there. This is a wonderful site for all of us designers out here. Thank you so much RGB Stock!

Naam: Gale
Geslacht: vrouw
Plaats: Freeport, IL
Land: United States
Rgbstock sinds: October 2014
Gallerij Geen foto's online
Foto's online: 0
Downloads: 0
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