Komngui (Dung Le Tien)

I'm freelancer photographer.

I like to travel around the world, at least around Vietnam - my country, to take the landscape & daily life photos. We should make them better day by day - specially at developing country.

Naam: Dung Le Tien
Geslacht: man
Plaats: Ho Chi Minh
Land: Vietnam
camera: Nikon DF
Rgbstock sinds: August 2014
Gallerij Fotogalerijrss feed
Foto's online: 9
Downloads: 86
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Komngui's populaire foto's | toon de fotogallerij | toon de pulaire foto's

Boeddha Tand tempel & mu

Boeddha Tand tempel & mu

4256px * 2832px


strand Nha Trang, Vietnam

strand Nha Trang, Vietnam

4256px * 2554px


tribale dorp in Plateu

tribale dorp in Plateu

3910px * 2602px


houten brug over de Mekong

houten brug over de Mekong

4288px * 2848px


bijen nectar uit lotus flo

bijen nectar uit lotus flo

4288px * 2848px


traditionele keuken in mekong

traditionele keuken in mekong

4740px * 3164px


Champa toren, Nhan berg

Champa toren, Nhan berg

3777px * 2513px



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