Seepsteen (Sias van Schalkwyk)

I am a serious Nature enthusiast, enjoying African wild life, birds, nature, the people and sunrise/sunset shoots.

Thousands of downloads of my free images have been used legally and illegally all over the world for web sites, blogs, classroom material, brochures, video's, CD covers, T-shirt designs, specialty publications and magazines etc. I hope you enjoy them too.

You need my permission to redistribute my images in part or whole, whether for sale or for free. Generally, they are free for non-profit or public use.

Please email me with your details, and credit me, Sias van Schalkwyk, where you use my images.

You can contact me if you require larger copies of the images.

Naam: Sias van Schalkwyk
Geslacht: man
Plaats: Zululand
Land: South Africa
camera: Mainly my trusted Canon Kit
Rgbstock sinds: October 2013
Gallerij Fotogalerijrss feed
Foto's online: 569
Downloads: 4944
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Wat is een QR code?
Een QR code is een door telefoons en tablets leesbare streepjescode. Je kan deze code toevoegen aan al je offline promotionele acties.

Seepsteen's populaire foto's | toon de fotogallerij | toon de pulaire foto's

kaarslicht lezen 2

kaarslicht lezen 2

1600px * 1145px


fish eagle 1

fish eagle 1

1246px * 1600px


twee handen 3

twee handen 3

1281px * 1600px


kind in de wind

kind in de wind

1600px * 1280px


kinderen van afrika

kinderen van afrika

1600px * 1280px


lilac-breasted roller

lilac-breasted roller

1600px * 1133px


Out of Africa

Out of Africa

1600px * 1133px



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