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error with most popular

1. lusi28 February 2010, 13:20 GMT +01:00

When you surch the most popular photos, some of them repeat themselves, and some arent there at all (for example, my most downloaded photo isnt in the list, and a couple of others appear twice ). And, as far as I could see - it happens with other peoples images too.

2. Abyla28 February 2010, 20:15 GMT +01:00

I think they have that problem in their list. Are you using Internet Explorer as navigator?

3. jazza28 February 2010, 21:37 GMT +01:00

Thank you for reporting Lusi. We will investigate the problem.

4. GerbenVanErkelens1 March 2010, 8:45 GMT +01:00

I can't seem to reproduce this problem. I'm running win7 with Chrome (

5. fishmonk1 March 2010, 19:39 GMT +01:00

Nor me on Mac OS Leopard / safari

6. Abyla1 March 2010, 20:29 GMT +01:00

Internet Explorer is my browser. I find repeated images in most popular photos and when I am in the last page (number 11 with 48 photos per page), and click in the next button, appears the page number 1 but with photos which are not in the real page 1.
I commented this problem to Cris on February 7 and he answered me that the site is optimized for Firefox and it has few problems, Internet Explorer has the most problems and is the hardest for the site designers to get to work correctly.
Unfortunately is also the most used browser.

7. jazza1 March 2010, 22:13 GMT +01:00

@6 The site should work in all major browsers. IE included. The only IE we do not support is IE6. I don't think this is a browser issue though. But I will test the way you describe Javier.

8. jazza1 March 2010, 22:19 GMT +01:00

@6 Javier, of @1 Lusi, should you be able to produce some screen captures? I cant find any problems. Except an navigation problem. Clicking on the next, last, first buttons doesn't work properly.

9. Abyla2 March 2010, 0:39 GMT +01:00

There were three repeated photos with 5 downloads between the pages 6/11 and 7/11 (48 photos per page) and one of them was mine. But at this moment cannot find any repeated. I'll try screen captures next time.
When in the last page, the next button doesn't work.
Jay, anyway, I think this is a minor problem and I know you have more important things in your list. The evolution of the site is awesome and we are happy here.

10. jazza17 March 2010, 22:49 GMT +01:00

At last I fixed the bugs in the 'first' and 'last' page buttons (@8)

11. Abyla20 March 2010, 19:47 GMT +01:00

Yes, now the last is really the last. Thanks for your time Jay.

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